Once upon a time, a 'pad' was a simple analogue synth sound - typically a smooth, rounded string patch with the filter reduced. The term 'pad' was used as it was used to pad out the track - there but not there... you're not aware of its presence but the track sounds empty without it.
However, with advances in synth technology and functionality, the term took on new proportions as samples were layered to create hybrids and instead of simple analogue oscillators, it was possible to layer almost any sound on top of another.
At first, with products such as the D50 and M1, it was just piano and strings or bells and choirs, etc., but more adventurous programmers took this to new heights over time by layering all manner of sounds to create evolving soundscapes of textures that weave around each other and move spatially and are almost a complete composition in their own right.
The new definition of 'pad' is a sound that can transport you musically and sonically and advances on the old concept of 'space music' as pioneered by artists such as Isao Tomita, Jean-Michelle Jarre, Tangerine Dream and others - sounds that have a truly 'other worldly' element that make you feel that you may be weightless in an alien environment.
HOLLOW SUN's 'Nebulae' is a collection of definitive pads that cover every base from 'old school' mellow analogue smoothness and string pads, breathy vocal pads to early layering techniques to floating, atmospheric textures and alien landscapes including many from the early days of 50s sci-fi movies.
The samples are taken from a wide range of synths and keyboards old and new, analogue and digital, mixed and layered and merged and twisted with Antares' Infinity looping imparting its own, sometimes serendipitous character.
In almost all cases, long and detailed multisamples are employed but some use a single sample across the keyboard to exploit the unique formant shifting effects you can get with this.
Most of the sounds are sampled with multi-effects designed to complement the basic sound.
But not every sound is a complete film score! There are also simple and robust pads in there from smooth strings to airy voices to fill out your tracks with subtlety.
This collection is not for 'rock n rollers' in the strict sense of the word - it's for people who want to create sublime, ethereal music and textures that float and weave their way through the consciousness and take you on a musical and sonic journey where a few choice chords can paint a thousand aural pictures. As such, it's an ideal candidate for those involved in film and TV soundtracks, 'new age', ambient 'chill-out' and other areas of electronica.
HOLLOW SUN's 'Nebulae' is impressionist sound design at its finest that draws upon 30 years of experience to transport you to new dimensions and new worlds of sonic exploration. As you audition each sound, you will be taken on a journey from Winter-clad landscapes of a bygone faery era to the the outer reaches of the universe, stopping off at various planets along the way. Enjoy the trip!
The control panel gives you quick and easy sound shaping capabilities.

You can modify timbre quite dramatically using the 3-band EQ and you can also add an autopanner and shape the amplitude envelope. The EFFECTS page allows you to add phase shifting, chorus and reverb effects to further enhance the sounds.
You can download the Nebulae II User Guide HERE
NOTE : It will work with the Kontakt Player but only in 'demo' mode and the session will be time limited. |

Each and every sound plays as smooth as silk right across an 88-key MIDI controller, offering rich textures, swirling layers, and bags of subtle, evolving details across many seconds of playback.
Nebulae concentrates on doing one thing really well, so if you want a quality pad sound, you’ll find yourself returning to this perfectly formed collection again and again.
Read the full review Thanks a Million. These are some very beautiful patches.
Paul Martinson
My wife hates you!
I keep playing these all night and she's become a 'Nebulae Widow' LOL. They are fantastic
Jon - via email
I make what youd call new age music and these sounds are magical.I've made entire tracks using just these sounds. You did a great job with these
Debra (NY) - via email
Thanks for making Nebulae, It's a fantastic pad library :) Brought my S5000 back to live. The sounds leave enough room for my own editing which is important for me. If there will be a Nebulae vol 2 I wouldn't hesitate to buy it.
Wouter van Beek