Really really juicy synth in "Pulstar". Very dusty and mysterious and collates a lot of the potential of the MLM's in one place. Fantastic GUI and I dig the "simple" or "advanced" choices. It only takes minutes to craft a very unique sound with all the anomalies of vintage gear, some of it broken or of questionable origin.
I've been using it in the studio and it immediately holds its own with dignity and authority against some pretty big sounding tracks. It is maybe the ultimate pad generator.
Another addictive and rewarding creation from HS.
Harvey Jones
Wow. Wow. And
I loved what I heard of Pulstar during my visit to the hallowed halls of Hollow Sun Towers, but back here at GTK Central things have just gotten very interesting. The depth of texture and tonality is quite extraordinary, and I will say, quite seriously rivals that of some seriously priced "high-end" synths currently on the market, namely the leviathan that is xxxxxxxxxx. The different controls on the main GUI really do give a lot of control, but when you dip under the surface into the gubbins of the thing, everything changes. This is potentially my favourite HS gizmo to date.
I've been mixing Pulstar with some of the MLM's and holy mother of fcuk, I could do an entire album with just evolving pads and swirly things. My new album just got a whole lot easier - Pulstar, 130P and Cathotron layered and fed through a some seriously dense and long reverb (on an auxillary bus) is something else.
Brilliant work again Stephen, and I feel quite humbled to have been given the opportunity to enjoy this. My weekend will now be lost to Pulstar. Completely.
Neil Fellowes - Geigertek
I just want to tell you how great Pulstar is. What a great assortment of sounds, and also the aesthetics of the programming are superb! The independent and doubled 64 + 64 groups is a great idea.
Judd Miller
I have been making music and creating sounds with digital toys for some time now and I really have to say that I feel like I've stumbled upon something that finally just feels "right" in terms of the entire Hollow Sun approach.
Pulstar and the whole crop of MLM's truly have no equal. Pure, immediate visual and aural Bliss! Inspiring in so many ways!
Dean Warner
I think Pulstar is one of the best things Hollow Sun have done, and the possibilities are endless with this thing. In an age of austerity, Hollow Sun's affordability is almost as incredible as its fantastic instruments!
Vicshere - KVR
Having gotten around to the documentation, I'm even more impressed with this thing. The interface is elegant simplicity. Very inspired, IMO.